Chef Software

Chef Software is a leading DevOps company with a passion for its clients and community who we have had the pleasure of working with for the last 5 years. We produced ChefConf, an event to inspire the attendees about all the company has to offer and excite them with the vibrancy of the host city. ChefConf summit events took place in Austin, Chicago, and Seattle, and included some of the best talent in those cities, such as Mudhoney- a legendary Seattle grunge staple. TPC worked with local designers and artists to craft an authentic and memorable experience aimed at bringing the best of each city to the summit. On this and other inspiring events, I worked with my dear friend and collaborator Jared Lovejoy who spends most of his time soaking up creative vibes from the Universe on the Island of Orcas and lands on earth to help Tashkent Park make magic.

This recap of the event was made by our dear friends Soulcraft AllStars

TechDarek Mazzone